How is the survey language managed?

Your survey is ready and your campaign translated, but what translation will your respondents see?


Integrate translations to your campaign (and if needed your extra content in the deployment) - Here is an article on how to integrate translations to the campaign.

How it works by default

Here is how the default translation works on your deployment.

There are 3 possible cases with a priority logic - reminder in the settings of your deployments (General Translation).
In order of priority, your questionnaire will be displayed:

  1. In the language defined in the url language parameter (deployment's type URL, Email or SMS from an external service) or language defined in the tag (deployment's type Website or InPage) or the language of the email / SMS sent (deployment's type Email, SMS from Skeepers)
    For example, if your deployment's link is, the questionnaire will be displayed in Italian (unless the Italian translation has not been integrated in the campaign). 
  2. Otherwise in the browser language.
  3. Otherwise in the original language of the campaign. As a last resort, if the browser language has no translation, the campaign is displayed in the language in which it was created.

The language code to be put behind the language parameter is in ISO 639-1 format, for example "zh" for Chinese. It is possible to follow the country code in ISO 3166-1 format for example "zh-HK" for traditional Chinese of Hong-Kong.
You can also find the language codes to use from the URL generator.

How it works when force

This option is managed in the settings of your deployments (General Translation) in this cas the survey will always be displayed in this language, so you will have to provide a deployment for each language.

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