How to manage participation in the campaign?

Find out how to set up your campaigns to restrict participation and allow or disallow continuation of the campaign.

To limit the participation of your respondents or to allow campaign resumption open your campaign. Then click on "Settings" at the top right.


Allow multiple responses

By default a respondent can answer the questionnaire several times. You can limit the submission of a new answer by selecting the field most adapted to your organization.


  • One response per visit to prevent another response within a short period of time

The same visitor will not be able to submit a new response for 25 minutes.

This restriction is linked to the browser's tracers, therefore the limitation will not work on another browser, in private browsing or if the cache has been emptied.

Attention : The limit per visit does not work in the case of an InPage or Email deployments with the first question of my questionnaire with recording.

  • One answer per visitor to limit the number of answers per recipient

The same visitor will not be able to submit a new answer.

This restriction is linked to the browser's cookies, therefore the limitation will not work on another browser, in private browsing or if the cache has been emptied.

This option is relevant if a recipient is no longer being solicited for the same campaign or if you do not have a unique identifier; otherwise, choose the following solution.

  • One response per attribute value to limit answers according to a tracking data

This choice allows you to limit to one response per unique value of an attribute. You can then allow only one response per order ID, email, ticket number, etc. All the attributes associated with your campaign will be available.

This solution is recommended because it is based on the data collected, so it will apply even if the recipient changes browser or platform.

Tips: If your recipient could be solicited again by this campaign, remember to select an attribute that is not linked to the person (a customer ID for example) but to the path of your campaign. For example, for a post-order survey, limit the number of responses to one per Order Number.

Regardless of the option you choose, if the respondent is no longer authorized to respond, a default message will be displayed "You are not authorized to submit new feedback", except in case of takeover (see below). This message can be customized for your account or campaign on the "Unauthorize" add-on content.

Here is an article on how to edit the add-on content.


Best Practices: The "Allow Multiple Responses" option is not relevant in the context of Website triggering by Skeepers.

The option also works in Test, activate it at the end of your Test phase.

Continuation of the campaign

The campaign continuation allows a respondent to continue the completion of a questionnaire that was abandoned. The respondent resumes on the questionnaire page that follows the last recording made on the same deployment and over a defined period of time.

This option is relevant in the case of a multi-page questionnaire or if the first question with recording in the email was preferred.

Find out how to insert the first question in the email here.


You can authorise the continuation by selecting the most appropriate field for your device.

  • By identifying the respondent through the visit to enable the questionnaire to be continued within a short time

The same visitor returning to the same campaign (via the same deployment) will be able to take the questionnaire again for 30 minutes.

This is linked to the browser's trackers, so the limitation will not work on another browser, in private browsing or if the cache has been cleared.

  • By identifying the respondent with an attribute value to enable omnichannel recovery

This choice allows you to activate the continuation of the campaign with an attribute single value. For example, you could allow only one response per order ID, email, ticket number, etc. All attributes associated with your campaign will be available.

If you also limit the response by attribute value, this choice will be automatically selected and the attribute used in both options will be the same.

This solution is recommended because it is based on the data collected, so it will apply even if the recipient changes browser or platform.

  • By identifying the respondent via email or SMS sent by Skeepers

This option is available if your campaign is associated with an Email or SMS deployment managed by Skeepers. This option allows you to activate the recovery based on a sending ID managed by Skeepers.

This solution will apply even if the recipient changes browser or platform.


The option also works in Test mode, activate it at the end of your Test phase.

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