Verbatims: how to activate verbatim analysis?

Verbatim analysis lets you reveal the most used terms and polarity of your customer comments.

Note: verbatim analysis is an option that your Customer Success Manager can activate, please contact him or her for more information.

Once verbatim analysis is activated you'll be able to:

  • Detect the most used terms in your comments: discover in real time the main topics addressed by your customers and generate a cloud of keywords for easy reading!
  • Identify the polarity (positive or negative) of each sentence to understand the context in which each term is used: by putting the terms used in perspective with the polarity of the sentences in which they are used, you identify the subjects that generate the greatest dissatisfaction and your priority lines of action.

The areas for improvement in your customer journey are hidden in your verbatims, so don't wait any longer to activate their analysis on your Skeepers account!

Follow the steps below to prepare for the analysis stage in your reports and the steering stage in your dashboards (even before new responses are collected).


Activate verbatim analysis

Within your campaign, add a text field element,


Open the advanced settings,



Select the Verbatim Analysis option by ticking "yes" and validate to save.


That's it! No further steps. You can now analyze all new verbatims provided by your customers!





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