Share my raw data exports via FTP

Share my raw data exports via FTP Program in a few clicks a sending of your raw data exports by FTP

If the tool you want to enrich with the collected data accepts CSV file uploads, you can use the FTP file upload function.

Prerequisite: you must first create a raw data visualization containing the data you want to export and create an FTP repository in your account settings.

To set up sharing via FTP, go to "Analysis", then "Library" and then "Raw data". Here, create a new raw data visualization or edit an existing one for which you want to set up a share via FTP.

Then click on the "Share via FTP" button.

All you have to do now is to configure how to connect to your FTP store:

Note: If you want to automatically date your file with today's date, select the "File timestamp" option.

Click “Apply” and don't forget to save!

File encryption

An option allows you to encrypt the contents of the file via PGP system. This system is a public key cryptography system. Public key cryptography is an asymmetric process using a key pair for encryption: a public key that encrypts data, and a corresponding private or secret key for decryption. It is therefore necessary to communicate to MyFeelBack the public key to be used from your account.

To activate this option, it is necessary to contact our support team at and communicate your public key to us.

This key will then be configured on your account and the option will be made available.

Click on "Apply" and don't forget to save!

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