How to attach attributes to a deployment url?


The URL generator is a fantastic tool to increase your data collection when you deploy your campaign by URL. The URL below uses fields of your contact list to be used as attributes in Skeepers.

The URL generator allows you to attach contextual data to your answers during an URL deployment of your survey.

The data collected on Skeepers via the deployment of survey, automatically enriches your CRM.


Pre-requisites: you should have done the steps below prior to using the URL generator.

Prepare and generate a URL

First, access the questionnaire you wish to distribute via URL. For the example, we have chosen "Waiting time".

Then, in the "Segment" section, check that your attributes are associated with your segment. Here, our segment has three attributes: Customer ID (customer_ID), Customer Name (customer_name) and Customer Email (customer_email).



Create a new deployment by clicking on the "Create deployment" button in URL, Email or SMS format from an external solution. You can now click on the "URL Generator" button.

Here, the attributes attached to our segment appear with free fields to complete the values.



To fill in the field on the right you can :

  • Either click on use the code, if you integrated the code when creating the attribute :
  • Or, leave the field empty, in this case it will be completed by "Value" and in your emailing tool manually replace "Value" by the code of the variable.

The first solution is recommended.

Here we use the values from one of our applications (Mailchimp) connected to Skeepers. To connect your Mailchimp application, see the dedicated article.

Here are our values :

*|MERGE0|* equals to "ID" in Mailchimp and to the "Customer id" attribute in Skeepers

*|MERGE1|* equals to "Name" in Mailchimp and to the "customer name" attribute in Skeepers

*|MERGE2|* equals to "Email" in Mailchimp and to the "customer email"attribute in Skeepers 



Just click on "Generate" and the URL is now available!

That's it. 👍


This URL now allows you to :

  • Distribute your questionnaire easily thanks to the generated URL
  • Collect new data on Skeepers and enrich your CRM automatically


If you want to obfuscate or secure the attributes in the URL, we suggest you use two methods:

Base64 encoding to limit the visibility of the attributes in the URL ;

AEAD method (authenticated encryption with associated data) to simultaneously ensure data confidentiality and authenticity.

  • Base64 encoding to limit the visibility of the attributes in the URL ;
  • AEAD method (authenticated encryption with associated data) to simultaneously ensure data confidentiality and authenticity.


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