Restrict access to Google Business Profile dashboard reviews

You have integrated Google Business Profile with Skeepers by following the steps in the article Connect Google Business Profile to Skeepers, and now you want to limit the view of reviews from a dashboard ?

You've come to the right place!

This article will help you to restrict access to reviews for each recipient on your dashboard, allowing them to reply only to the reviews they're allowed to.




Step 1 Create user properties from the parameter tab

User properties will allow you to add information elements to your recipients. These information elements will be used to:

  • Share dashboards to the right recipients;
  • Limit access to dashboards to the respective scopes of each recipient.

From the Settings tab located in the left-hand sidebar, go to the "General" section, click on "properties" and then on "users".

Add a new property by clicking on the "add a new property" button.


You can name it, add a label and description (optional) then save. In our example, we'll name this property "dashboard".

You can allow or disallow multiple values by checking "yes" in the "multiple" line.

For more information, you can read this article: Use multiple values on a property of a user

Once this property is created, a new line is added to your account's recipient record.

Don't forget to activate multiple values when creating the property, if you want to be able to add multiple values.



You can add other properties that will serve as filters when sending the dashboard.

In particular, you can add the "location_id" or "location_address" property to filter the display of a dashboard's reviews according to each recipient's "location_id" or "location_address".



Now that all your recipients are restricted to specific data, in our case "dashboard 1" and "dashboard 2", you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Create and set up my dashboard distribution

Reminder: beforehand you must have connected GBP to Skeepers and created a dashboard consisting of a raw data visualization. You can perform these actions by following the 5 steps in this article: Connect Google Business Profile to Skeepers


Your dashboard is located in the "Dashboard" section of the "Analysis" tab.


From your dashboard,click on the share pictogram at the top right.



Activate the sharing button then, choose the share by email.



Create a distribution

Indicate the information below then click the "next" button:

  • Name of distribution
  • Number of days this distribution will be accessible (maximum 365 days. After this period, you will have to reset the distribution).
  • Email subject
  • Email content

Indicate to whom this dashboard will be shared.

In the drop-down list, choose "a user/recipient of my account" then choose the property that will be used as a filter. In our example "Dashboard".

In our example, only recipients who have a "Dashboard 1" property will receive Dashboard 1.


You can cumulate rules and use the "different from" operator if needed.

On the next page, you can choose to share the entire dashboard.

Or, you can apply certain specific filters.

To do this, don't forget to first add filters to your dashboard by clicking on the filter pictogram at the top left. Find out more by clicking here: Create a filter in a dashboard 



You can now filter on a user property so that each recipient of this dashboard, can only read the reviews that interest them.


Finally, click the "save" button.

Your dashboard sharing is now correctly configured!




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